The name is Eana Hufwe.
This user is still alive.
This user is a software engineer.
There are 2 entries not shown here. Log in to see if you have access to more boxes.
This user is a proud Native Terran.
There are 7 entries not shown here. Log in to see if you have access to more boxes.
This user has a near native speaker knowledge of English. (en
この利用者は中上級の日本語ができます。 (ja
Fìsaryu tsun plltxe tìmyì lì’fya leNa’vi. (08n
This user is tired of reading long chunks of katakana.
This user tries to avoid excessive mix of multiple languages, and will only mix them when appropriate.
There are 4 entries not shown here. Log in to see if you have access to more boxes.
This user uses Python 3 a lot.
This user has programmed in TypeScript a lot.
This user has programmed in JavaScript.
This user has programmed in PHP recently (2020).
This user has programmed in C++ recently (2023).
This user has programmed in C♯ recently (2023).
This user has programmed in Java.
This user has programmed in Kotlin™ recently (2023).
This user has written PowerShell recently (2022).
This user has read source code written in Swift (without actually learning it).
This user has written code using React library a lot.
This user writes HTML a lot.
This user writes CSS a lot, and is eagerly waiting some new features.
This user thinks that...
This user writes quite a bit of TeX.
This user writes GitHub-flavored Markdown a lot.
This user writes reStructuredText a lot.
This user uses JSON a lot, mostly indirectly.
This user chooses YAML for writing by hands whenever appropriate.
This user writes Sass (specifically SCSS) frequently.
This user uses Emmet.
This user is an apprentice RegEx magician.
This user uses Git a lot.
This user uses SourceTree.
This user uses Visual Studio Code a lot.
This user uses Visual Studio.
This user tried to learn Vim several times, but all failed miserably, knowing only a few common commands.
This user uses PyCharm.
This user uses IntelliJ IDEA.
This user used Android Studio recently (2023).
This user uses zsh with Oh My Zsh a lot.
This user uses Google Chrome a lot.
This user uses Mozilla Firefox a lot.
This user believes Telegram is what a modern general-purpose IM should be like, up until their in-channel ads.
This user uses Figma a lot.
This user listens to a library of 1,200+ Vocaloid* songs and their derivatives.
This user loves Vocaloid* because of their songs, not the characters.
This user loves the Disappearance of Hatsune Miku, both the songs and the albums.
This user thinks that everything believed is just a mirror reflecting ones wishful delusions one after another.
This user enjoys design and typography.
This user does weight training.
This user was once a participant of the ICPC Regional Finals.
This user has participated in Capture-the-flag contests.
This user is a community volunteer translator.
This user isn’t watching stuff that are usually considered as anime.
This user not a weeb per definition on Urban Dictionary.
This user likes to watch karaoke subtitles while listening to songs.
This user � Unicode.
This user likes to spot various kinds of typos and weird translations.
This user prefers SI Units and degree celcius in all contexts.
This user is a proud Colemak user, and is glad that Windows finally includes it out of box.
This user believes “curly quotes” are the right quotes in typesettings.
This user uses 「corner brackets」 for quotations in Chinese and Japanese.
This user will add spaces between Hanzis and non-Hanzis until all major rendering engines support it.
This user uses 24-hour time whenever possible.
This user writes dates in DD MMM YYYY
format in forms written in English.
This user writes dates in YYYY-MM-DD
format too.
This user prefers UTC over GMT.
This user pronunces GIF as /jif/ like its creator, Steve Wilhite.
This user prefers using myriad decimal separators in CJK contexts.
This user believes that flags are not languages.
This user treats the words Android and 安卓 differently.
This user prefers proportional punctuations and kana for Chinese and Japanese.
This user sometimes cannot understand abuses of acronyms in Chinese net slang.
This user dislikes people who sends ”Hello?” online without any context.
This user thinks that subbers* should add their subtitles back to original video if possible.
This user prefers using code ligatures.
This user prefers dark mode.
This user prefers using 4 spaces over tabs.
This user thinks long screenshot should not be used whenever an alternative is available.
This user hates it when Simplified Chinese Hanzi are used in Japanese.
This user subscribes to RSS/Atom feeds.
This user believes in an open internet and avoids contributing contents to walled gargens.
This user watches Wednesday’s Downtown a lot.
This user watches Monday Lateshow a lot.
This user watches World Report: Datsuryoku News Network a lot.
This user is a reader of the xkcd webcomic.
This user is a reader of the System32Comics.
This user is a reader of CommitStrip webcomics.
This user is subscribed to QuizKnock on YouTube.
This user listens to TypeChat, a podcast.
This user watches GobouP’s Talkloid series.
This user listens to Yuru Gengo-gaku Radio.
This user listens to Yuru Computer Kagaku Radio.
This page uses Material Design 2 as the main design language.
This page uses Inter as the main typeface.
This page uses Source Han Sans as the main CJK typeface.
This user is excited that there is finally an open source pan-CJK variable typeface.
This user can identify quite a few popular computer typefaces (or even fonts) by sight.
This user uses Operator Mono Lig in code editors.
This user uses Fira Code in code editors.
This user uses Jetbrains Mono in code editors.
This user uses Input Mono Condensed in code editors.
This user uses Cascadia Code in code editors.
This user uses Recursive Mono (Rec Mono Casual/Duotone) in code editors.
This user uses Monaspace in code editors.
This user sometimes use Jost* in designs.
This user sometimes use Source Han Serif in designs.
This user sometimes use EB Garamond in designs.
This user sometimes use IBM Plex in designs.
This user sometimes use Roboto in designs.
This user sometimes use Alegreya family in designs.
This user uses Noto Fonts when typesetting multiple scripts.
This user knows the Ultimate Answer.
This user can recite the decimal of π up to 62 digits.
This user is an INTL.
This user might undergo mitosis after having too much cuisine of a specific kind.
This user tries to behave logically whenever feasable.
A 250 cm radius is the length this user can swing around. ♪
This user knows that this thing is not a 3D printed save icon.
The neutrality of this page is not guaranteed. However, there is no need to dispute.
This page needs additional citations for verification.
User page made by Eana Hufwe. View source on GitHub.